Friday, June 23, 2006

i'm an aunty!

well, sort of.
my housemate for most of med school recently had her baby.
she's absolutely beautiful. really, objectively beautiful. her head wasn't even very squashed, which is impressive.
i'm an honorary aunt, which translates into buying her lots of really cute baby clothes and toys.
aren't kids amazing?


Anonymous said...

I'm hosting the next Paediatric Grand Rounds - do you have a post for me please?

Regards - Shinga

Wrkinprogress said...

Congratulations! I have 3 nieces and 2 nephews who are all the apples of my eye! They definitely provide many opportunities for gift and clothes-buying. My hubby's 4 grandkids help out in the regard, too, though I'm not nearly old enough to be a grandma! lol

Have fun!!


Clark Bartram said...

In Belvidere we have a tax on nieces and nephews. All the money goes towards the anti-turkey perimeter wall around the town. Somehow the damn turkeys are always one step ahead of us though.