Thursday, August 17, 2006

you know you work too much when...

...the most amusing event this evening was when the a-la-mode scoop of ice cream slid off your friend's molten chocolate cake and she said,

"i SCFE'd my cake!"

and the table full of peds residents burst out laughing.

it probably would have been funnier if it were actually an ice cream cone.


Wrkinprogress said...

Here's hoping you colorful, overworked people get a break....and SOON! lol

Big Lebowski Store said...

Did you stick a toothpick through the head of the cake so as to secure the shaft to the head?



word verification = hnmlngrm = what I'm mumbling at the end of my first week back from vacay.

Dinah said...

I linked you to Shrink Rap in my last post (Calling Back...).

Just fyi.

Dinah said...

I linked you to Shrink Rap in my latest post, Calling Back...


I think blogger ate this comment before.

Anonymous said...

Whoa. I hope Flea's a doctor. Otherwise, he's got too much free time and some rather unusual hobbies.

Ya, just kidding.